1. Things Fall Apart: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Things_Fall_ApartThings Fall Apart is a post-colonial novel written by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe in 1958. It is seen as the archetypal modern African novel in English, one of the first to receive global critical acclaim. It is a staple book in schools throughout Africa and is widely read and studied in English-speaking countries around the world. It was first published in 1958 by William Heinemann Ltd in the UK; in 1962, it was also the first work published in Heinemann's African Writers Series. The title of the novel comes from a line in W. B. Yeats' poem "The Second Coming".[1] The novel follows the life of Okonkwo, an Igbo ("Ibo" in the novel) leader and local wrestling champion in the fictional Nigerian village of Umuofia. The work is split into three parts, the first describing his family and personal history, the customs and society of the Igbo, and the second and third sections introduce the influence of British colonialism and Christian missionaries on the Igbos community.
 Things Fall Apart was followed by a sequel, No Longer at Ease (1960), originally written as the second part of a larger work along with Arrow of God (1964). Achebe states that his two later novels, A Man of the People (1966) and Anthills of the Savannah (1987), while not featuring Okonkwo's descendants, are spiritual successors to the previous novels in chronicling African history.

  2. Assassin's Gate http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/07/books/grand-theories-ignored-realities.html http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/30/books/review/the-assassins-gate-occupational-hazards.html http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-374-29963-

  3. The Quiet American http://www.upenn.edu/nso/prp/quiet/novel.html
 The Quiet American, originally published in 1955, is set in Vietnam during the last days of French rule. It tells the story of a developing friendship between Fowler, a middle-aged British journalist working in Saigon, and Pyle, a young "quiet American" who has come to Vietnam full of idealism. Fowler and Pyle's relationship becomes fraught on several levels: a triangle develops involving Fowler's Vietnamese mistress; and more problematically, Pyle's idealism leads him into questionable political policies and, ultimately, bloodshed.
 Called the most famous Western work of fiction about Vietnam, The Quiet American delicately balances issues of personal responsibility and the global consequences of our choices. In particular, Pyle--about whom Fowler says, "I never knew a man who had better motives for all the trouble he caused"--becomes a catalyst for broader questions of the morality of colonialism and war.

  4. Invitation to a Beheading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invitation_to_a_Beheading DF: The book does hold any real secrets and is thus not really necdessary to want to undestand it 

  5. The city and the city 

  6. Oreitnalism 

  7. Rabbit, Run

  8. Chrysalids 

  9. Doll's House

  10. Tale of Two Cities 

  11. Time's Arrow

  12. Richest Man in Babylon

  13. Luminaries

  14. Thaddeus Stevens (Trefousse) 

  15. Middlemarch 

  16. Decline and fall 

  17. Brideshead REvistied

  18. Love in the Time of Cholrea 

  19. The Ginger Man 

  20. Pale Fire

  21. Nostromo 

  22. The Movie Goer

  23. Zadig 

  24. Great Expectations

  25. A passage to India 

  26. 42n Parallel 

  27. Speak Memory 

  28. Dead Souls

  29. The Western Canon

  30. Zorba the Greek 

  31. Under the Volcano 

  32. Swann's Way 

  33. Midnight's CHildren 

  34. The Master and Margarita 

  35. The Sound and the Fury 

  36. Blindness 

  37. Misanthrope 

  38. The Leopard 

  39. Dead Souls 

  40. The Heart tis a Lonely Hunter

  41. To the Lighthouse 

  42. A portrait of an artists as a YOung man 

  43. Catch 22 

  44. Beloved

  45. 4Henderson the Rain King 

  46. Speak Memory

  47. Prison Notebooks

  48. Discipline and Punish 

  49. The Drowned and the Saved 

  50. The crying lot of 49 

  51. All Quet ont eh Western Front

  52. Ragtime 

  53. A high windi n Jamacia 

  54. A passage to INdiea 

  55. 1q84 

  56. The Great Gatsyb 

  57. Paradirse Lost and regained

  58. Hunger a novel 

  59. Discipline and punish 

  60. Washingto  Square

  61. The Human comedy 

  62. The ALeph 

  63. War 

  64. Decline and Fall 

  65. Killing Jeeuss 

  66. The Sorrows of Young WEerhter

  67. A MOveable Feart 

  68. A cockwork Oragein 

  69. Appoitnemnet in Smara

  70. Breakfast at FIffitansy 

  71. All the Pretty hrose

  72. Consider teh Lobers 

  73. David Copperfield 

  74. Modern man in serach of a soul 

  75. Eassays by Emerson 

  76. The better angels of aour nature 

  77. LOTR

  78. Swag

  79. The Axdnet o fmoeny 

  80. The second plane 

  81. Inoncnets aborad

  82. Humors short sotes of mark steqin 

  83. On writein gwell 

  84. Poekt eh box

  85. Nueromancer

  86. Warriors don't cry 

  87. Such, such were the joys 

  88. Typhoon 

  89. To Kill a Mocingbird 

  90. The Zone ofINTerest 

  91. ZORBA the GREEK Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis Diction. That large house with all the doors? That's the earth with graves.PART star star star 1Sorbs chopped off his finger Bc it got in the way of his pottery making Zorba Gets mad at the story of a monk who cut off his penis so it wouldn't get in way of spiritual practice. // Zorva says that (the penis) is key to heaven. narrator reads Buddha //Shepard and meadows story//Only a gunshot from here DICTION^^^ / Zorba loves everything that appears in front of him!! A woman stops him in his tracks every time. // Zorba yells at the narrator for being to friendly with the workers!! Zorba takes him to his uncle who is backward completely backward and Zorba tells him that u cannot change him so don't try. (or don't change them unless u have something better to offer instead) / star star star Primitive worship the snake because it's entire body touched the earth.  It knew the mother tail belly and head Modern man is a bird out of touch Zorba is not educated but his heart has grown immensely and he feels that he cuts through problems easily.
Zorba is modern but isn't ashamed of his primitive impulses "stolen meat tastes the best" zorba on other men's wives //Used to keep a pair of scissors to cut a lock of hair from each woman he slept with.  Stuffed his pillow to make a nice pillow. But it started to smell so he burned it and lost his "register" //Her buttocks swung like church bell on Easter    Zorba haha diction St John baptist painted with big eyes from lack of hunger an spiritual awakening PART 2 star star star I'm beginning to think Zorba represents spiritual exploration He dances to communicate // He sigs He must sleep with every woman //When it's time to work he goes all in \\all symbolism //Narrator sees woman in rain and lists for her. But he think sits MARA. as a woman. To seduce him and take him fromThe Buddhist path // Parallels between Buddha and Zorba it seems //Buddha is the VOID // Zorba is the ALL Zorba disappears for two weeks. Narrator receives a letter: hes found a girl name LOLA. Cf. Nabokov Narrator says there are things more important than truth. When the 
Bishop comes in and states some of his theories which are crazy. Narrator says they may save many souls. He felt the bishops life hung on // someone telling him it made sense. Zorba could drown in one tear drop of a woman Zorba and Narrator separate and never see each other again. star star star Many years later. Zorba dies. Before he does he sends a letter off to Narraot //star star statr diction Says "men like me should live 1,000 years!" // Won't stay in his bed To die (cf cyrano de Bergerac) //He does standing. At window. Fingernails dug into window sill and says "good night" DONE RARES


  93. Making War to Keep Peace

  94. Beyond the Absolute Limit

  95. On the Road

  96. Seize the Day

  97. The Power of Focus

  98. Animal Farm

  99. i, Robot

  100. Maltese Falcon

  101. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  102. The Confederacy of Dunces

  103. The Call of the Wild

  104. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  105. Play

  106. The Lost World

  107. The Hunger Games

  108. Nineteen Eighty-Four

  109. The People of the Abyss

  110. Wanted - Seven Brave Engineers!

  111. Robinson Crusoe

  112. As a Man Thinketh

  113. The Night in Lisbon

  114. Lord Jim

  115. Much ado about nothing

  116. The Hobbit

  117. King Lear

  118. Breath

  119. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

  120. The Awakening

  121. King Solomon's Mines

  122. Anthem

  123. The Rubiayt

  124. Zorba the greek

  125. the pumpkin plan

  126. the new psychocypbernetic guidebook

  127. Psychocybernetics

  128. Ultimate Sales Coaches

  129. The Trial

  130. Antigone

  131. Wild with Happy

  132. Liar's Poker

  133. The Art of War

  134. Cloud Atlas

  135. Benito Cereno

  136. No Easy Day

  137. The Fear

  138. Cyrano de Bergerac

  139. Entre-Leadership

  140. Anthem

  141. Illiad

  142. Power vs Force

  143. Truth vs Falsehood

  144. Eye of the Eye

  145. Health and Healing

  146. Atlas Shrugged (abridged)

  147. The Red Badge of Courage

  148. Sherlock Holmes Vol 1

  149. Sherlocke Holmes Vol 2

  150. Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity

  151. Othello

  152. JABBER

  153. The Suppliants

  154. Carnage and Culture

  155. Common Sense

  156. Terror and Consent

  157. *The Rime of the Anciet Mariner

  158. *Liberal Fascism ( Partial Read) by Goldberg 1-3; 8-9

  159. *Gardner Heist

  160. *The Practice of the Presence of God

  161. *101 Famous Poems by Various

  162. *Autobiography of Alice B Toklas by Gettide Stein

  163. *The Republic by Plato

  164. *Basketball Fundamentals by Jay Mikes

  165. *Enchiridiron by Epictetus (how to live)

  166. *The Apology by Plato (defense against ??? against charges of corrupting youth, and atheism)

  167. *Euthyphro by Plato

  168. *Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu

  169. *Hymn to the Night by Novalis (German Romantic 1800s)

  170. *Magna Carta by King John

  171. *Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

  172. *Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles

  173. *Antigone by Sophocles (antiginr fights creon after she buried Polynives! Chorus agrees but too scared to help)

  174. *The Heavenly Life by James Allen

  175. *The Moral Equivalent of War by William James (form an organiazation which gives the camradier of war and military without being military- society needs army like instituitions)

  176. Philoctetes

  177. Much Ado About Nothing

  178. *Communist Manifesto by Marx (perp/victim)

  179. *Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes (I am only a thinking thing)

  180. *Odyssesy by Homer

  181. *Siddhartha by Herman Hesse (the seeker becomes on the river with old fairy man)

  182. *King Lear by Shakespeare

  183. *A Mid Summer Nights Dream by Shakespeare

  184. *Alls Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare (Helena chases Bertram for ring and child via tricks)

  185. *The Tempest by Shakesspeare (Prospero gets his dukedom of Naples back after 12 years via magic! Miranda weds Ferdinando- Miranda - brave new world with such people in it!)

  186. *King Henry IV by Shakespeare (Harry son of King Henry redeems himself against Percys; Falstaff is a funny coward)

  187. *Ion by Plato (Ion says a rhapsode knows what to say as general,slave, ruler etc.Soc says no way! You know nothing of generalship//to know good poetry must know bad for Ion only reads Homer and has just returned for a show and winning award!)

  188. Antony and Cleopatra

  189. Don Quixote (Part I)

  190. *The Art of Nonfiction by Ayn Rand (clarity; standing orders)

  191. *An Essay on Criticism by Pope (fools rush in, don't try to be too original - Rand wouldn't like him)

  192. Agamemnon

  193. *Libation Bearers by Aeschylus (Orestes returns and slays Cly and Iphogjus)

  194. The Eumenidies

  195. *Poetics by Aristotle (speaks of plot Importance)

  196. *Peter Pan by JM Barrie (almost just like the movie)

  197. *The Architecture of Bauhaus by Walter Gropius (mass production!)

  198. *The Prince by Machaivelli

  199. *The Life of Cartocheo by Machaivelli

  200. *Agricola by Tacitus( on the great Agricula under Domition... Castigated empire, friendly to Britins)

  201. *The Philosophy of Composition by Edgar Allen Poe (he was not mad, he logically built the Raven; a lot of story telling is getting the ending a building a story to it)

  202. *1984 by George Orwell (Winston Smith and Julia and O'brian and Big Brother in Oceanian; rats; double speak is holding to contradictory ideas astrue)

  203. *The Man Who Thinks Backwards by GK Chesterton (very short essay)

  204. *On the Fear of Death by William Hazlit (you don't cry because statues don't breathe!)

  205. *As You Like It by William Shakespeare (Olivier gets brother Orlando kicked out of Kingdom) Oralndo loves Gantmeade(Rosalind) crossdressing) all married in end)

  206. *Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein (lyric cubism)

  207. *Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

  208. *Praise of Folly by Desdierrs Erasmus (Everything is ruled by God of Folly, chastises Catholic Church)

  209. *Les Miserables Vol.1 by Victor Hugo

  210. *Les Miserables Vol. 2 by Victor Hugo

  211. *The Crucible by Arthur Miler

  212. *The Crisis of Islam by Bernard Lewis

  213. *The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (Roark does what he loves)

  214. *Aeropagitica by John Milton ( defense of unregulated publication--- censorship in some occassioms)

  215. There Eyes Were Watching God

  216. *Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose (1 out of 12 says wait let's talk about this... Pulls out same knife... In end determine he's not guilty)

  217. Madame Bovary

  218. *This My Sisters House by ????

  219. *Kindred by Octavia Butler

  220. *The Portrait of Dorian Grey

  221. *Utopia by Thomas More (Holo??? Speaks of this land he has seen)

  222. *The Life of Timon of Athen

  223. *The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger (Houkden Caugield doesn't want to grow up; hunting hat)

  224. *The Sun Also Rises

  225. *Dhamapada spoken by The Buddha

  226. *Enchanted April

  227. *King Arthur and His Knights by Maud L Radford

  228. *The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Branden

  229. *More Sherlocke Holmes Stories:

  230. *Mazarin Stone by Doyle

  231. *The Out of Date Murder by Doyle

  232. *Murdeers in the Rue by Poe

  233. *The Emperors New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen

  234. *The Fountainhead Movie with Gary Cooper

  235. *Proof by David Auburn

  236. *Hitch-22 by Christopher Hitchens

  237. *1984 by George Orwell (Twice)

  238. *Power vs Force by David Hawkins

  239. *Medea by Euripides (Medea is like Maria is at tomes. Wicked an vengeful. Kills her own kids)

  240. *Quantum of Solace

  241. *The Heart of Darkness

  242. *Macbeth by William Shakespeare

  243. *Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

  244. *A Dead Man's Cellphone by Sarah Ruhl

  245. *A Brave New World by Adolous Huxley

  246. *The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum

  247. *Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostund (Individualism!- I climb alone!)

  248. *How To Win Friends and Influence People

  249. *Lord of the Flies by William Golding

  250. *A Mid Summer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare

  251. *Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

  252. *Ayn Rand Question and Answer

  253. Henry V

  254. *The Winters Tale by William Shakespeare

  255. *The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

  256. *Maltese Falcon by Dashell Hammet

  257. *Iphigenia by Euripides

  258. *the O'Reilly Factor by Bill O'Reilly

  259. *Twelve Million Dollar Stuffed Shark

  260. *Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carol

  261. *Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

  262. *Enthusiasm Makes the Difference by Norman Vincbnt Peale

  263. *A Terrible Love of War by James Hillman

  264. *The Code of the Woosters by PG Wodehouse

  265. *The Aeneid by Virgil (Robert Fagkes Translation) - get music off it. See end of audiobook credits for details

  266. *The Count of Monte Cristo

  267. *Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

  268. *The Subjection of Women by JS Mill

  269. *Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler (Kest-Lur like pur)

  270. *The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

  271. *Les Cinte D'Hoffman

  272. *Aida

  273. *La Boheme

  274. *Turandot"

  275. *Diamonds are Forever by Ian Fleming

  276. *The Underground Man by Dtosefsky

  277. *Henry V by William Shakespeare

  278. *On Liberty by JS Mill

  279. *Declarations of Independence by Howard Zinn

  280. *The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

  281. *Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

  282. *Power vs. Force by David Hawkins

  283. *Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmund Rostund

  284. *The Long Short War by Christopher Hitchens

  285. *The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

  286. *A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

  287. *Raising the Dead by Chauncy Crandall

  288. *The Long Walk by Slavomir (turns out to be a fable)

  289. *Henry V by William Shakespeare

  290. *Hamlet (Mel Gibson) by William Shakespeare

  291. *The Zen Teaching of Huang Po translated by John Blofeld

  292. *The Bomb in My Garden by Mahdi Obeidi

  293. *Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

  294. *Bartleby by Herman Mellville

  295. *Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrel

  296. *Longitude by Dava Sobel (John Harrisons H1-4)

  297. *The Angel Inside

  298. *Frankenstein by Mary Wollenstone Shelly

  299. *The Tao of Wu by RZA

  300. *Hitch-22 by Christopher Hitchens

  301. *Moby Dick by John Melville

  302. *Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart (Timing and sequence of release)

  303. *Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

  304. *Persian Letters by Gertrude Bell

  305. *MacBeth by Shakespeare (Lady Macbeth goes mad. TOMORROW AND TOMORROW)

  306. *The Time Traveller by HG Wells (Eloi ʺoverworld peopleʺ Morlocks ʺunderworldʺ. Goes deep into future and sees earth die as sun burns out)

  307. *1984 by George Orwell

  308. *Thin Air by Jon Krakuer

  309. *One Simple Idea by Stephen Key

  310. *Lolita by Vladmir Nabokov

  311. *Indignation by Philip Roth

  312. *The Richest Man in Babylon

  313. *The Queen of Spades and Other Short Stories

  314. *The Invisible Man

  315. *Tobermory

  316. *The Cloak

  317. *Eugene Onegin (O-NAY-GIN like win)

  318. Alls Well That Ends Well

  319. The Tempest

  320. King Henry IV

  321. Ion

  322. Antony and Cleopatra

  323. Don Quixote (Part I)

  324. The Art of Nonfiction

  325. An Essay on Criticism

  326. *Agamemnon

  327. *Libation Bearers by Aeschylus (Orestes returns and slays Cly and Iphogjus)

  328. *The Eumenidies

  329. *Poetics by Aristotle (speaks of plot Importance)

  330. *Peter Pan by JM Barrie (almost just like the movie)

  331. *The Architecture of Bauhaus by Walter Gropius (mass production!)

  332. *The Prince by Machaivelli

  333. *The Life of Cartocheo by Machaivelli

  334. Agricola

  335. Many Lives, Many Masters

  336. *The Philosophy of Composition

  337. *1984

  338. *The Man Who Thinks Backwards

  339. *On the Fear of Death

  340. As You Like It

  341. Tender Buttons

  342. Romeo and Juliet

  343. Praise of Folly

  344. Les Miserables Vol.1

  345. Les Miserables Vol. 2

  346. Les Miserables

  347. Hunchback of Notredamn

  348. Slaughterhouse 5

  349. Mexifornia

  350. How to KNow God

  351. Infinite Mind

  352. Spiritual SOlution to Every Problem

  353. Erroneous Zones

  354. Pulling Your Own Strings

  355. Gifts from Eykis

  356. Religions, values, and peak-experiences.

  357. Early mental traits of three hundred geniuses: Genetic studies of genius series.

  358. Walden

  359. Jungian dream interpretation: A handbook of theory and practice.

  360. Useful Idiots

  361. They Just Don't Get it

  362. People of the Lie

  363. Political Paranoia: The psychopolitics of hatred.

  364. American Alone

  365. Peter Sing'ers book

  366. The political teachings of Jesus

  367. Divine Madness

  368. The Little Prince

  369. Swann's Way

  370. Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number

  371. Waiting for Godot

  372. Othello

  373. Trojan Women

  374. The Pregnant Widow

  375. Where War Lives

  376. The Father of Us All

  377. War Junkie

  378. Portrait of Dorian Grey

  379. The New Psycho-Cybernetics

  380. No Excuses

  381. Where Angels Free to Tread

  382. Mans Search for Meaning

  383. Relentless

  384. Master and Margarita

  385. The Importance of Being Earnets

  386. Blood Meridian

  387. The Transmission of No Mind

  388. Dore's Illustrations of Dante's Inferno

  389. King Lear

  390. The Practice of the Presence if God

  391. Flourish

  392. Blindness

  393. Medea

  394. Misanthrope

  395. The Tempest

  396. The Leopard

  397. Experience

  398. Letting Go

  399. Screw it, Lets do it

  400. Mud, Sweat and Tears

  401. I, Claudius

  402. We

  403. The Lean Start-up

  404. To the Lighthouse

  405. Business Stripped Bear

  406. A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

  407. The Heart is a lonely Hunter

  408. Black Boy

  409. Native Son

  410. The Secret Agent

  411. Midnight's Children

  412. Master and Margarita

  413. The Republic

  414. Catch-22

  415. Orwell Great Scholars Lecture

  416. The Damnation of Faust

  417. Doctor of Truth

  418. The Heart is a lonely Hunter (MOVIE)

  419. Cyrano De Bergerac

  420. Biology of Belief

  421. The Crying of Lot 49

  422. Poor RIchard's Almanac

  423. The Catcher in the Rye

  424. The Art of Power

  425. Speak like Churchill, Stand like Lincoln

  426. A High Wind in Jamacia

  427. All Quiet on the Western Front

  428. Power versus Truth

  429. Excuses Be Gone

  430. Henderson the Rainking

  431. The Heart of Darkness

  432. Dorian Gray

  433. Over the Top

  434. Walk in Love

  435. Enger's Game

  436. Hunger

  437. WInston Churchill Quotabel

  438. The Brief WOndrous Life of Oscar Wao

  439. Beloved

  440. Nostromo

  441. Animal Farm

  442. A Movable Feast

  443. The Alchemist

  444. Washington square

  445. My War Gone By, How I Miss It So

  446. In this World, but not of It

  447. War

  448. Dispatches

  449. Breakfast at Tiffany's

  450. Clockwork Orange

  451. I Can See Clearly

  452. 1984

  453. 101 Ways to Happiness

  454. There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

  455. The Death of Ivan Ilyich

  456. The Lobster and other essays

  457. Divine Love

  458. Proof of Heaven

  459. All the Pretty Horses

  460. Chronnicles Vol. 1

  461. On Divine Thearpy

  462. West with the Night

  463. 1Q84

  464. God is Not Great

  465. Extraordniary leadership

  466. Appointment in Samara

  467. Practical Spirituality

  468. Killing Jesus

  469. Mindset

  470. Ceasar's Way

  471. Letting Go

  472. open city

  473. Let Go

  474. Swag

  475. the fellowship of the ring

  476. eat that frog

  477. ear that frog twics

  478. the richest man in Babylon

  479. Office Sereis IV

  480. The Second Plaen

  481. OFfice Series III

  482. Bhagavad-Gita

  483. DHeart of Darkess

  484. Doria Grey

  485. Poke the Box 

  486. Anthem

  487. Illiad

  488. *Power vs Force by Hawkins

  489. *Truth vs Falsehood by Hawkins

  490. *Eye of the Eye by Hawkins

  491. *Health and Healing by Hawkins

  492. *Atlas Shrugged (abridged) by Rand

  493. *The Red Badge of Courage by Crane (Henry Flemming becomes a man and fearless!)

  494. *Sherlock Holmes Vol 1 by Doyle

  495. *Sherlocke Holmes Vol 2 by Doyle

  496. *Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity by OReilly

  497. *Othello by Shakespeare (Iago is villian; Roderico wants Desdemona; Othello is tricked into thinking Desdamona with Cassio is cheating (hankercheif) and goes nuts- killing her, then himself)

  498. *The Suppliants by Aeschylus (Danaes seek shelter from King of Argos from Egyptians suitors)

  499. *Carnage and Culture by Hanson (Salamis; Poities; Lepanto; part Tenchnoltan; Epilouge; Afterword)

  500. *Common Sense by Paine (Why USA should break from England and King George)

  501. *Terror and Consent (Partial Read) by Bobbitt (Market State versus Nation State; No preexisitng law for Bush; if we don't make law we will fall to the level of terrorists)

  502. *The Rime of the Anciet Mariner by Coolridge (Albotross around neck)

  503. *Liberal Fascism ( Partial Read) by Goldberg 1-3; 8-9

  504. *Gardner Heist by Boser (about theft of pieces from museum biggest theft in history; Rembrandt Sea of Galilee)

  505. *The Practice of the Presence of God (5x) by Brother Lawrence

  506. *101 Famous Poems by Various

  507. *Autobiography of Alice B Toklas by Gettide Stein

  508. *The Republic by Plato

  509. *Basketball Fundamentals by Jay Mikes

  510. *Enchiridiron by Epictetus (how to live)

  511. *The Apology by Plato (defense against ??? against charges of corrupting youth, and atheism)

  512. *Euthyphro by Plato (On piety- Euthyphro taking own father to court - is just what the gods declare or what is just is what they like)

  513. *Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu (sage is for belly not for eye; if I have no body what trouble have I?)

  514. *Hymn to the Night by Novalis (German Romantic 1800s)

  515. *Magna Carta by King John (1215, attempt to establish rights of men within Kingdom)

  516. *Oedipus Rex by Sophocles (kills dad at three roads; married mom by solving riddle of sphnix; gouges eyes with Jocastas broaches; wanders; Creon is friend to kids)

  517. *Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles (fight between brothers for Oedipus where to bury body for where it is buried shall be holy; Antigone loyal, Polynices, he brother, slain; Oedipus miraculous death)

  518. *Antigone by Sophocles (antiginr fights creon after she buried Polynives! Chorus agrees but too scared to help)

  519. *The Heavenly Life by James Allen

  520. *The Moral Equivalent of War by William James (form an organiazation which gives the camradier of war and military without being military- society needs army like instituitions)

  521. *Philoctetes by Sophocles (On Suffering; Neo is a friend, takes bow by trick but gives back; Odyssys is evil/utilitarian)

  522. *Much Ado About Nothing by Shakesspeare (Villian Claudio?? Sets it up to make it appear Girl?? Cheated on ???; the two wags fall in love)

  523. *Communist Manifesto by Marx (perp/victim)

  524. *Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes (I am only a thinking thing)

  525. *Odyssesy by Homer

  526. *Siddhartha by Herman Hesse (the seeker becomes on the river with old fairy man)

  527. *King Lear by Shakespeare (Lear goes nuts because Goneril and regan screw him and Cordelia was only true; thin skin; is there justice in universe? All die good and bad!)

  528. *A Mid Summer Nights Dream by Shakespeare (fairies, amazonian, love spells via flowera, pick id funny rhymer, Just enchanting!)

  529. *Alls Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare (Helena chases Bertram for ring and child via tricks)

  530. *The Tempest by Shakesspeare (Prospero gets his dukedom of Naples back after 12 years via magic! Miranda weds Ferdinando- Miranda - brave new world with such people in it!)

  531. *King Henry IV by Shakespeare (Harry son of King Henry redeems himself against Percys; Falstaff is a funny coward)

  532. *Ion by Plato (Ion says a rhapsode knows what to say as general,slave, ruler etc.Soc says no way! You know nothing of generalship//to know good poetry must know bad for Ion only reads Homer and has just returned for a show and winning award!)

  533. *Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare (Pompey versus Triumverate of Antony, Lepidus and Ceaser... Ceaser yells at Antony for being soft in Egypr; Antony answers;On eve of war all 3 make peace, Antiny married Ceasers sister to shore up Alliance (Cleo is pissed at this); ceaser then wars with Pompey; Then ceaser and Antiny fight; Antiny loses and thinks Cleopatra was on Ceasers side- kills self; Cleo, as Ceaser was going to take her to Rome as symbol of power, kills self via Aspic: notes: Cleopatra is drama queen; Antonys servant ???? kills himself in grief after deserting Antiny; Roman Republic over)

  534. *Don Quixote (Part I) by Cervantes (Mostly disliked this book; windmills, night at inn)

  535. *The Art of Nonfiction by Ayn Rand (clarity; standing orders)

  536. *An Essay on Criticism by Pope (fools rush in, don't try to be too original - Rand wouldn't like him)

  537. *Agamemnon by Aeschylus (Aga kills Igpjiga his daughter for favorable winds; comes home and Clymestra grandly welcomes him; He is cold says her speech is longer than he was at troy; Cly kills Him and CassandrA (priams daughter)who had come back with aga; Clys lover Ageithia helped because Agas father had boiled Ageithias fathers kids and fed them to him)

  538. *Libation Bearers by Aeschylus (Orestes returns and slays Cly and Iphogjus)

  539. *The Eumenidies by Aeschylus (Orestes chased by Furies... Court case in Athenas court... Apollo on Orestes side... Athenians vote - it's a tie! Athena breaks vote in favor of Orestes and he is pumped. Furies angry! Athena calms them and invites them to live in Athens abd have great honor, after fighting it they agree.. Happy ending... Bonus: Satyr Play, comic relief - Menelaus fights Proteus to figure out how to get home. Dresses like a seal to catch him.. Lol proteus tells of agas fate and says go back to Egypt to make it home)

  540. *Poetics by Aristotle (speaks of plot Importance)

  541. *Peter Pan by JM Barrie (almost just like the movie)

  542. *The Architecture of Bauhaus by Walter Gropius (mass production!)

  543. *The Prince by Machaivelli

  544. *The Life of Cartocheo by Machaivelli

  545. *Agricola by Tacitus( on the great Agricula under Domition... Castigated empire, friendly to Britins)

  546. *The Philosophy of Composition by Edgar Allen Poe (he was not mad, he logically built the Raven; a lot of story telling is getting the ending a building a story to it)

  547. *1984 by George Orwell (Winston Smith and Julia and O'brian and Big Brother in Oceanian; rats; double speak is holding to contradictory ideas astrue)

  548. *The Man Who Thinks Backwards by GK Chesterton (very short essay)

  549. *On the Fear of Death by William Hazlit (you don't cry because statues don't breathe!)

  550. *As You Like It by William Shakespeare (Olivier gets brother Orlando kicked out of Kingdom) Oralndo loves Gantmeade(Rosalind) crossdressing) all married in end)

  551. *Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein (lyric cubism)

  552. *Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

  553. *Praise of Folly by Desdierrs Erasmus (Everything is ruled by God of Folly, chastises Catholic Church)

  554. *Les Miserables Vol.1 by Victor Hugo (Priest M saves Val Jean with kindness... Valjean becomes Mayor Medliene and a great man... But a Fake Valjran is caught... Fantine has Cossett... Fantine is pathetic chracyer ever... Owes family money who keep cossette)

  555. *Les Miserables Vol. 2 by Victor Hugo (valjean returns and gets cossette from Creul theerisen... End up in church whilat being chased by Javart ... They are in a convent with the man valjean had saved from under buggy... Valjean sneaks out/in with a coffin... They find some peace)

  556. *The Crucible by Arthur Miler (Salem witch trials; girls dance; abailagail was with proctor and she accused Goodie proctor so as to have Proctor to herself; Rev Parris is scared that his daughter betty will be accused of witchcraft (he is a havard guy but fool); rev hale by end fights for proctor ; Proctors soul on the line - caves at first but then because of name being released he gives up and tears confession; Soul is online.. Cf Joan of Arc; Giles is comic relief and dies nobly in end so his sons get land)

  557. *The Crisis of Islam by Bernard Lewis

  558. *The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (Roark does what he loves)

  559. *Aeropagitica by John Milton ( defense of unregulated publication--- censorship in some occassioms)

  560. *There Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (Janey marries old man... Leaves him for Starks mayor of eaton... He dies and meets her true live TK, they move to evergaldes.. Hurricane. Shoots him in self defence after he gets rabies saving her from drowning, acquitted in trial, people in eaton when Janey returns make fun of her think tk left her and stile her, Janey tells story to friend! I'll did was find out about living!)

  561. *Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose (1 out of 12 says wait let's talk about this... Pulls out same knife... In end determine he's not guilty)

  562. *Madame Bovary by Gustav Flaubert

  563. (Charles, Emma, Leon, Roudolph... Emma cheating, debt, lies... Lives in novels (cf Don Q), kills self with arsenic.. Charles is clueless but then finds letters... And dies of heartbreak in front of daughter)

  564. *This My Sisters House by ????

  565. *Kindred by Octavia Butler (Dana goes back in time to 1815 prebellum south.... Keeps saving Rufus - Kevin her husband comes back...ages 5 years... The rive the fire the fall the rope... Kills Rufus in the end)

  566. *The Portrait of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wild (Basil Hallard paints portrait of handsome and intriguing Dorian Grey... Lord Harry meets Dorian and puts him onto a life of hedonism and amorality.. Dorian wishes to marry Sybil the actress but when she can no longer act well Dorian drops her... She kills herself! Portrait reflects the sins he accrue whilst he stays young... Lives ny yellow book lord Henry gives him. Everything Dorian touches or who he knows is corrupted... Dorian won't show painting to anyone... He does finally show basil and kills him... Deposes of body... But then kills self by stabbing painting... He dies old and wrinkled and picture is pristine on wall)

  567. *Utopia by Thomas More (Holo??? Speaks of this land he has seen)

  568. *The Life of Timon of Athens by William Shakespeare (Timon (tee-mon like a jamacian man) uses and gives money liberally to friends... Loses money an none of friends help; he goes made and lives under beige; it is a problem play)

  569. *The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger (Houkden Caugield doesn't want to grow up; hunting hat)

  570. *The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway (Jake Barnes impotent from war wound; Bret is a flapper... Falls in love with Bullfigyrr Romero... Pointless story emblematic of post wwi mood)

  571. *Dhamapada spoken by The Buddha ( The Dhammapada (Pāli; Prakrit: Dhamapada;[1] Sanskrit Dharmapada) is a versified Buddhist scripture traditionally ascribed to the Buddha himself. It is one of the best-known texts from the Theravada canon.The title, Dhammapada, is a compound term composed of dhamma and pada, each word having a number of denotations and connotations. Generally, dhamma can refer to the Buddha's "doctrine" or an "eternal truth" or "righteousness" or all "phenomena";[3] and, at its root, pada means "foot" and thus by extension, especially in this context, means either "path" or "verse" (cf. "foot (prosody)") or both.[4] English translations of this text's title have used various combinations of these and related words.)

  572. *Enchanted April

  573. *King Arthur and His Knights by Maud L Radford

  574. *The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Branden

  575. ***Short Stories and Classic/Informing Movies***

  576. *Story of an Hour by Chopin (woman happy husband is dead but then he isn't)

  577. *Jumping Frog by Twain (Jim Smiley bets on all... Loses to someone who put led in his toad)

  578. *Fat and Thin by Chekov (old friends meet- fat man is a politiacn and as soon as skinny man sees this he acts diffident)

  579. *The Purple Dress by O. Henry

  580. *The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

  581. *The Passion of Joan of Arc (Movie 1928)

  582. *Maltese Falcon (Movie)

  583. *The Hands by Sherwood Anderson

  584. +Nobody Knows by George Willard

  585. *The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" by Katerine Porter

  586. *The Horse Dealers Daughter by DH Lawrence

  587. *A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connery

  588. *The Three Types of Men in the World by GK Chesterton (very short essay--- professors who rise above common by dispargaung them vs poetS who rise above coomon by showing them their hidden genius- think Dickens)

  589. *The Curse by Andre Dubus (Mitchell winesses rape and does nothing)

  590. *Your Ugly Too by Lorrie Moore (about a sick midwest woman - fucking depressing... About gender confusion)

  591. *landscape And Dreams by Moore (about women as cowlike cretures)

  592. *Tooth and Claw (guy wins a serval cat at bar and Daria the waitress sleeps with him and leavezzz women Are wild animals to tame)

  593. *More Sherlocke Holmes Stories: The Dying dectice (Holnes fakes an illness to capture a killer who is an exepert at healing/Murder in Cashba - go to Algeirs to tract down sone royal who has been wrongly accused of murder, bu he is dead an imposter tries to take his place ( since no one has seen his face) cashba is In Algeirs - tons of langauage spoken there a lawless place/ The Iron Box- at castle - an iron box to be open on new year by heir on leap year... Holmes noticed man who brings it in with one hand and says he must be strong- gold is heavy but at end we find out that Hilmes thought it was empty! And it was! the box couldn't be opened because of a new year technicality so Hilmes comes up with a way around it!)

  594. *Bullet in the Brain by Tobias (about a man who gets shot in a bank robbery---- and the memories he has before he dies because neurons fore faster than bullets)

  595. *The Yellow Face by Doyle (Sherlocke Holmes).... Man thinks wife is cheating on him.. With man with yellow face... But it's actually a black girl from her first marriage... She hid her when first husband died)

  596. *Three Students by Doyle (Sherlocke Hilmes) (students steal test answers... One leaves a cleat tear in table... Sherlocke finds his man)

  597. *Mazarin Stone by Doyle (Sherlocke Holmes)

  598. *The Ice Man by. (about a man made of ice... Literally magical realism)

  599. *The Seventh Man (a mans friend, the seventh man in a self help group, had friend whisked away by a wave... )

  600. *Poor Aunt Story ( a man thinks of a poor aunt and how she is nameless and the aunt gets stuck to her back)

  601. *Mazarin Stone by Doyle

  602. *The Out of Date Murder by Doyle

  603. *Murdeers in the Rue by Poe

  604. *The Emperors New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen

  605. *The Fountainhead Movie with Gary Cooper

  606. *Proof by David Auburn

  607. *Hitch-22 by Christopher Hitchens

  608. *1984 by George Orwell (Twice)

  609. *Power vs Force by David Hawkins

  610. *Medea by Euripides (Medea is like Maria is at tomes. Wicked an vengeful. Kills her own kids)

  611. *Quantum of Solace by Ian Fleming (quantum of solace about a man whose wife plays him: sniper story shoots hand off girl sniper; auction scene to catch Russian spy ; on the boat in seyschelles with bumptiois American ; NYC to warn ex agent she is with a Russian spy)

  612. *The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

  613. *Macbeth by William Shakespeare

  614. *Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

  615. *A Dead Man's Cellphone by Sarah Ruhl

  616. *A Brave New World by Adolous Huxley

  617. *The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum

  618. *Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostund (Individualism!- I climb alone!)

  619. Twice

  620. *How To Win Friends and Influence People

  621. *Lord of the Flies by William Golding

  622. *A Mid Summer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare

  623. *Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

  624. *Ayn Rand Question and Answer

  625. *Henry V by William Shakespeare (preceded by Richard II (of plantagenet house) henry IV takes richard ii place... But he killed off richard ii and yhe house of henry iv is off to inausoicious form) henry v delas with the rise of lancaster hiuse! France insults the formely reckless Henry V with tennis balls... Uses an ancinet claim to recliam land of England... Battle of Agincourt. Wins. Marries France's King daughter)

  626. *The Winters Tale by William Shakespeare

  627. *The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

  628. *Maltese Falcon by Dashell Hammet

  629. *Iphigenia by Euripides

  630. *the O'Reilly Factor by Bill O'Reilly

  631. *Twelve Million Dollar Stuffed Shark

  632. *Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carol

  633. *Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

  634. *Enthusiasm Makes the Difference by Norman Vincbnt Peale

  635. *A Terrible Love of War by James Hillman

  636. *The Code of the Woosters by PG Wodehouse

  637. *The Aeneid by Virgil (Robert Fagkes Translation) - get music off it. See end of audiobook credits for details

  638. *The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas (danglar starved to death nearly because he starves Edmonds father- made him pay millions for a meal; valetine(with paralyzed grandfather) Edmund saved from posiimjng and morrels son (maximillian) surprised he had saved her - gives her back at Monte Cristo island; Edmund for away with Aidee)

  639. *Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

  640. *The Subjection of Women by JS Mill

  641. *Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler (Kest-Lur like pur)

  642. *The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand


  644. *The Big Sleep (Film noir. Humphrey Bogart. Lauren becall Solves crime for old man)

  645. *The Awful Truth (Carey Grant. Romantic comedy. Suspicion leads to divorce)

  646. *A Bad Day at Black Rock (Spencer Tracey --- Millard kaufamn)

  647. *Rick Steves Iran

  648. *vice Squad a travelers guide to nK

  649. *BBC Iran

  650. *The Baader Meinhiff Conolex (the movement 2 June 1968 started it... Baader moron Meinhoff journalist)

  651. *The Battle of Algeirs (French had occupied Algeirs for 130 years but ppl sick of it. Led by Ali Le Point in 19?? Against French police and paratroops... 1962 they get Indy. Ali is killed though

  652. *The Wind That Shakes the Barely

  653. *Battle of Algeors

  654. *Z

  655. *Patton

  656. *The Red Baron

  657. *The Art if the Steal

  658. *Cocaine Cowboys

  659. *The Gathering Storm (Churchill) - annotate

  660. *Into The Storm (5/8/1945 VE//Attlee replaces Churchill)

  661. *Dogtown and Zboys

  662. *The Gospel of John

  663. *Vice Liberia

  664. *The Longest War (Liberia)

  665. *The Trials of Henry Kissenger

  666. *Les Cinte D'Hoffman

  667. *Aida

  668. *La Boheme

  669. *Turandot"

  670. *Diamonds are Forever by Ian Fleming

  671. *The Underground Man by Dtosefsky

  672. *Henry V by William Shakespeare

  673. *On Liberty by JS Mill

  674. *Declarations of Independence by Howard Zinn

  675. *The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

  676. *Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

  677. *Power vs. Force by David Hawkins

  678. *Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmund Rostund

  679. *The Long Short War by Christopher Hitchens

  680. *The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

  681. *A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

  682. *Raising the Dead by Chauncy Crandall

  683. *The Long Walk by Slavomir (turns out to be a fable)

  684. *Henry V by William Shakespeare

  685. *Hamlet (Mel Gibson) by William Shakespeare

  686. *The Zen Teaching of Huang Po translated by John Blofeld

  687. *The Bomb in My Garden by Mahdi Obeidi

  688. *Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

  689. *Bartleby by Herman Mellville

  690. *Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrel

  691. *Longitude by Dava Sobel (John Harrisons H1-4)

  692. *The Angel Inside by Chris Widener (Success takes years, plan. No mistakes in marble, start with a blow, hands and head are big)

  693. *Frankenstein by Mary Wollenstone Shelly

  694. *The Tao of Wu by RZA

  695. *Hitch-22 by Christopher Hitchens

  696. *Moby Dick by John Melville

  697. *Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart (Timing and sequence of release)

  698. *Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

  699. *Persian Letters by Gertrude Bell

  700. *MacBeth by Shakespeare (Lady Macbeth goes mad. TOMORROW AND TOMORROW)

  701. *The Time Traveller by HG Wells (Eloi ʺoverworld peopleʺ Morlocks ʺunderworldʺ. Goes deep into future and sees earth die as sun burns out)

  702. *1984 by George Orwell

  703. *Thin Air by Jon Krakuer

  704. *One Simple Idea by Stephen Key

  705. *Lolita by Vladmir Nabokov

  706. *Indignation by Philip Roth

  707. *The Richest Man in Babylon

  708. *The Queen of Spades and Other Short Stories by Alexander Pushkin (The Captains Daughter, The Tsars Negro, Dubronsky)

  709. *The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

  710. *Tobermory by Saki

  711. *The Cloak by Gogol

  712. *Au Revoir Les Enfantes (Quientu and Jean Bonnet/Kipplestein at en of movie they say goodbye father, he says goodbye children)

  713. *Agony and Ecstasy (Michelangelo)

  714. *36 chambers of Shaolin

  715. *Eugene Onegin (O-NAY-GIN like win) by Pushkin. Onegin and Tatianna. She was faithful to her husband. Onegin turns her down at first. She remarries. He finds her 6 years later. She rejects him. Yet she love him but is faithful to husband.

  716. *Circumstbace

  717. *21 Days to Baghdad

  718. *The Queen and I

  719. *A Place in the Sand (Somalians refugees going into Kenya and Al-Shabab preventing aide)

  720. *Paper Tiger (About Indonesian deforestation--- terrible. Company doing it is APRIL/ Only 400 Sumatra Tigers left)

  721. Thomas Becket and Henry II// Beckett is Henry's right hand man. They drink and cavort together. But then H2, to get money for wars, Makes Beckett Archbiship of Cantebury. Beckett ends up excommunicating a man who had a preist put to death. The priest should have been tried by the church. H2 okayed the death of the preist. Now Becket and H2 are at odds// H2 has Becket killed, Loves Becket, then has himself lashed after the killing. Becket becomes a saint.///NOTES: While in exile Beckett lives in a monstary and feels tha tthis is ʺtoo easyʺ for him/// Spiritual Genius: Devolution to God/// Spiritual Redtardtion: Condeming the man who had preist killed out of God's love forever.

  722. *Alls Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare (Helena chases Bertram for ring and child via tricks)


  724. *The Tempest by Shakesspeare (Prospero gets his dukedom of Naples back after 12 years via magic! Miranda weds Ferdinando- Miranda - brave new world with such people in it!)

  725. *King Henry IV by Shakespeare (Harry son of King Henry redeems himself against Percys; Falstaff is a funny coward)

  726. *Ion by Plato (Ion says a rhapsode knows what to say as general,slave, ruler etc.Soc says no way! You know nothing of generalship//to know good poetry must know bad for Ion only reads Homer and has just returned for a show and winning award!)

  727. *Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare (Pompey versus Triumverate of Antony, Lepidus and Ceaser... Ceaser yells at Antony for being soft in Egypr; Antony answers;On eve of war all 3 make peace, Antiny married Ceasers sister to shore up Alliance (Cleo is pissed at this); ceaser then wars with Pompey; Then ceaser and Antiny fight; Antiny loses and thinks Cleopatra was on Ceasers side- kills self; Cleo, as Ceaser was going to take her to Rome as symbol of power, kills self via Aspic: notes: Cleopatra is drama queen; Antonys servant ???? kills himself in grief after deserting Antiny; Roman Republic over)

  728. *Don Quixote (Part I) by Cervantes (Mostly disliked this book; windmills, night at inn)

  729. *The Art of Nonfiction by Ayn Rand (clarity; standing orders)

  730. *An Essay on Criticism by Pope (fools rush in, don't try to be too original - Rand wouldn't like him)

  731. *Agamemnon by Aeschylus (Aga kills Igpjiga his daughter for favorable winds; comes home and Clymestra grandly welcomes him; He is cold says her speech is longer than he was at troy; Cly kills Him and CassandrA (priams daughter)who had come back with aga; Clys lover Ageithia helped because Agas father had boiled Ageithias fathers kids and fed them to him)

  732. *Libation Bearers by Aeschylus (Orestes returns and slays Cly and Iphogjus)

  733. *The Eumenidies by Aeschylus (Orestes chased by Furies... Court case in Athenas court... Apollo on Orestes side... Athenians vote - it's a tie! Athena breaks vote in favor of Orestes and he is pumped. Furies angry! Athena calms them and invites them to live in Athens abd have great honor, after fighting it they agree.. Happy ending... Bonus: Satyr Play, comic relief - Menelaus fights Proteus to figure out how to get home. Dresses like a seal to catch him.. Lol proteus tells of agas fate and says go back to Egypt to make it home)

  734. *Poetics by Aristotle (speaks of plot Importance)

  735. *Peter Pan by JM Barrie (almost just like the movie)

  736. *The Architecture of Bauhaus by Walter Gropius (mass production!)

  737. *The Prince by Machaivelli

  738. *The Life of Cartocheo by Machaivelli

  739. *Agricola by Tacitus( on the great Agricula under Domition... Castigated empire, friendly to Britins)

  740. *The Philosophy of Composition by Edgar Allen Poe (he was not mad, he logically built the Raven; a lot of story telling is getting the ending a building a story to it)

  741. *1984 by George Orwell (Winston Smith and Julia and O'brian and Big Brother in Oceanian; rats; double speak is holding to contradictory ideas astrue)

  742. *The Man Who Thinks Backwards by GK Chesterton (very short essay)

  743. *On the Fear of Death by William Hazlit (you don't cry because statues don't breathe!)

  744. *As You Like It by William Shakespeare (Olivier gets brother Orlando kicked out of Kingdom) Oralndo loves Gantmeade(Rosalind) crossdressing) all married in end)

  745. *Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein (lyric cubism)

  746. *Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

  747. *Praise of Folly by Desdierrs Erasmus (Everything is ruled by God of Folly, chastises Catholic Church)

  748. *Les Miserables Vol.1 by Victor Hugo (Priest M saves Val Jean with kindness... Valjean becomes Mayor Medliene and a great man... But a Fake Valjran is caught... Fantine has Cossett... Fantine is pathetic chracyer ever... Owes family money who keep cossette)

  749. Les Miserables Vol. 2 by Victor Hugo (valjean returns and gets cossette from Creul theerisen... End up in church whilat being chased by Javart ... They are in a convent with the man valjean had saved from under buggy... Valjean sneaks out/in with a coffin... They find some peace)

  750. Les Miserables

  751. Hunchback of Notre Dame

  752. Slaughterhoseu 5

  753. Mexifornia

  754. Three Body PRobelm

  755. Guatnaom Diary

  756. NOtes from a Dead House

  757. Saitn Franci Kazansaki

  758. Success if ofr you

  759. Bitcoin Standard

  760. Going INfitie

  761. BLocksize War

  762. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

  763. I Am a Strange Lopp

  764. Hitchhikers’ Guid to teh Galay

  765. Elon Musk (Issaciaosn)

  766. Being You (seth)

  767. The IDea of hte Brain (Cobb)

  768. Project Hail Mary

  769. Gym Launc SEcrtes

  770. Balland of Songsirds and Snaeks

  771. The Painted Bird

  772. Extrairondy Leaderhseip

  773. Creaivity, Inc.

  774. $100M Offers

  775. The death of Ivan Ilyshc

  776. Cral Jung (Vernon

  777. THe poewr of Visualint (PUls)

  778. REality +

  779. Trillion Dolar Coach

  780. Cynical THeiores

  781. James nd ginat peach

  782. Livgn witht eh Haimlay Masters

  783. Amplify Your LInfelucne

  784. Pution: Prisone rof POwer

  785. The Courga to be Free (DeSanties)

  786. The Ego Tunel

  787. Chruchill and Orwell

  788. Ship of Folls

  789. The Night in Lisonb

  790. Bourgeous Equlaity

  791. Recursion

  792. A Matter of Interptation

  793. The Black Sun (Marlan)

  794. The Virgin Way

  795. The Place oft he Lion

  796. One Dman THing AFter another

  797. Projections (Diesseritoh)

  798. PRinpcles for Dlian wtih teh Chagine World Order

  799. Life Force (Roobisn)

  800. Second Hand Time

  801. The Matrix and PHilsophy

  802. The AUritaion MOmen

  803. Deep Work

  804. Bitcoin Billioaners

  805. The Red Book

  806. Beohd ORder

  807. Atomcin Habis

  808. Greenlights

  809. THe TB12 Method

  810. Lupoin

  811. Reay Pleyr two

  812. THe mony Plot

  813. How Fascism works

  814. The Dakr Forest

  815. Disgrace

  816. Critail thoer a very short indorutcion

  817. LInco int eh Bardo

  818. Many LIves, Many Masettres

  819. Draual

  820. Foudnation (Asimove)

  821. The Platonic Traiditon (Kreet0

  822. Can’t hurt me

  823. What it Tkaes

  824. Huatintgs (Hollis)

  825. Superinteilligence (Bostrom)

  826. The Milinar Booket

  827. The Sory of my LIfe (Helen Kller)

  828. Trpic of Cnacer0

  829. ON Guard (Craig)

  830. The Road to Wigen Pier

  831. A history fo fascin (Payne)

  832. Mape sof Menaing

  833. The worry trick

  834. Orthodox (Chesterson)

  835. The idiot

  836. Homage to Cataolina

  837. Ordinary Men

  838. Saint Thomas (Chesteron)

  839. AMerican Psychosis

  840. The E-mty Resviisted

  841. Antying you Wnat (Sivers)

  842. 12 Rules for life

  843. Red Famine

  844. THe Psychology fo Peromfance

  845. Don’t CHoke (Plyer)

  846. HIgh Perfomrance Habits

  847. If on a Winte’rs Nigth a Travler

  848. Hit Refresh

  849. Da Vinci (Isssasonc)

  850. Finding my virginty

  851. Be Obsseed or be avera

  852. Ready Paleyr one

  853. Total Recall (Arnold bio)

  854. Aristorle for Everybody (adler)

  855. The Rpae of Nanking

  856. THe Crowd (le bon)

  857. Unsahlabe (RObbins)

  858. Bueisns Serest the Trappist Monks

  859. The Four Obession fo a Extaraionry executruive

  860. What doesn’t Kill us

  861. Onward (Schultz)

  862. In the Plex

  863. Ho wto think liek Da VINc

  864. ACIM

  865. Settle for more

  866. Hilbby Ielgey

  867. The SOul fo teh world (Scurton)

  868. REletnelss

  869. A curfdmugeion guide to getting ahead

  870. Autobigorahy of Ben franklih

  871. Letters to an American Farmer

  872. Equinao

  873. Rhinoers UScdess

  874. Suer bria n

  875. Snowcrash

  876. Born STanding up

  877. Level Up your Life

  878. Peak

  879. Liek Wtaer for chocatel

  880. 1984 dramatized

  881. Waek up and Live

  882. Life after life

  883. Cosopmolies

  884. Ho to read a book (adler

  885. Plato’s repibc

  886. Ahcvien personal success (peale)

  887. ENdruacne

  888. A surival guid eor life (bryllls)

  889. Postive imagin (Pleale)

  890. You can overcome any problem (peale)

  891. A passion to Win

  892. Homicide (sion)

  893. The unbearalbe lightness of being

  894. Titan

  895. It’s hat I do (Addario)

  896. The Obstacle is the Way

  897. So Good tey can’t ignroe you

  898. THe art of learning

  899. The Argnuts

  900. THe Rainbow comes and goes

  901. Walkgin teh HImalys

  902. Psychopoath of everytday life

  903. Civliznato nad its discontents

  904. The art of fiction (Rand)

  905. Grit

  906. Preidacitly irraiotnal

  907. The 22 Immutale laws of marketing

  908. THe ONE Thing

  909. Naked Luch

  910. Up from slaery

  911. Dreams form MY father

  912. The HTELreing Sky

  913. The SOulf sof Black folds

  914. The 10x ruel

  915. The school of rgtrenatess

  916. Battle Hymn of the Tgier Mother

  917. AksGary Vee

  918. The Greate rJoureny

  919. Law 101

  920. Liv ean Let die

  921. Pilgrim’s Progress

  922. THe elmetns of eloquence

  923. Via Nuvoa

  924. RUels from Radaila

  925. Hiter: HIistory in an hour

  926. THe CoNfidnec Gap

  927. 80/20 Slaea nd Markeitn

  928. Motivaiotnal Legnes

  929. Modern Shcolr: QUnatisou

  930. Modern Schoalr Dnate

  931. THe Way of Men

  932. The ISIS Solution

  933. I wnat Burning

  934. What was Harriet butan

  935. Vicotry Wewe make tigns an dwhy ti amkers

  936. th eman nobdoy nknows

  937. Tesmten betrayed

  938. The Road to SErfordom

  939. Anne Frank

  940. THe ISIS APoclyela

  941. Between the WOrld and Me

  942. Marxism (Sowell)

  943. Thomas Jefferosn and tripoli pirtsa

  944. Extrem ownership

  945. ANgel Davis SPeaks

  946. Underworld

  947. The Delvis’ Pleasure Placew

  948. Long walk to freedom

  949. Dleivering happpienss

  950. Scrum

  951. Satand Serious

  952. 42nd Parelale

  953. Paraido list

  954. with te olld breed

  955. Gulag ARchipetel